Mentoring and Placements

Some of our talents need a little more support in their journey. In that case, we offer two forms of mentoring. Firstly, we hold free mentoring events from time to time. In these events, typically an hour or so, we invite industry professionals to talk and share their experiences. They could be successful developers who have gained qualifications and experience and who now work in good roles. There nothing like learning from the horse’s mouth! But these events are not just a listening exercise. Participants are able to ask questions live (direct or in the chat) and get just the answers they need.

The second type of mentoring we offer concerns a programme of soft skills training combined with mentorship from a currently employed professional developer. This programme unfolds over time, and we typically gather together a group of mentees. The group is not large, and the fee is not too high!

In both the types of mentoring we offer, we will have our eye on the ball of placement in employment at the end of the day.
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